Long Beach Fire Department

The original Long Beach City Hall Complex suffered significant damage during Hurricane Katrina from the onslaught of high winds, wind driven rain, and mold due to extended power loss. The new 15,500 square foot facility houses the following functions: the Water Department, Building Code Office, Records Storage, the Mayor’s Office, City Administration, Civil Service, and the Municipal Court. A large community meeting room with a raised podium and platform was also included to accommodate meetings of the Municipal Court, Board of Aldermen, Planning Commission, and other public events. The new City Hall Complex is expected to aid in bolstering current businesses and assisting with future economic development efforts in the community.

The new building is 2-stories in height and features a wraparound porch at both floors. The new facility also has on-street and off-street parking accommodation for staff and the public.

  • IIDA Award of Excellence

  • Government Design 2011